Portable Trommel Screening Plants

Screening topsoil, loam or any organic material, particularly when it's wet, can be a slow, labour intensive experience. Construction and demolition debris, or materials to be recycled or salvaged, are rarely in any consistent form. The answer is a trommel screening system. Conventional flat deck shaker type screens are designed specifically for the sand and gravel industry. Wet, sticky, dense topsoil, loam and the like are another matter entirely. Specifically designed with such applications in mind, are the Roto-Screen and its smaller partner the Ultra Screen.

"Edge" design and engineering innovation from KMC Engineering manufacture portable, radial stackers - MS series, hydraulic or diesel powered.

Typical Applications
  • Topsoil, black dirt and loam
  • Mulch and organic type materials
  • Recycling and material salvage
  • Construction and demolition debris
  • Sand & gravel
Revolver Trommel Screens

Revolver Trommel Screens
Revolver Portable Radial Stackers

Edge Mobile Stackers
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